Sequencing platform
The High Troughput Sequencing Platform relies on Illumina technology to meet each challenge.
We have four Next Generation Sequencing Systems: NextSeq500/550, MiSeq and two MiniSeq, positioning us as the most flexible and best equipped genomic platform in Argentina. We complement our platform with laboratories specialized in human and other species DNA processing, and a local Data Center.
Sequencing Systems

RNA-Seq / Genotyping / WGS
Maximun Reads 800 MMax. Lenght Read 150 pb

16S / WGS
Maximun Reads 50 MMax. Lenght Read 300 pb

Maximun Reads 50 MMax. Lenght Read 150 pb
Since its inception in 2010, this platform has sequenced more than 8,500 Gpb of DNA for more than 300 different projects. Within these, we can highlight that INDEAR has completely sequenced the first three human genomes obtained entirely in the country and the first 20 human exomes. In the plant area, he participated in the sequencing of the wheat genome within the “International wheat genome sequencing consortium”, and the genome of Phaseolus vulgaris (mesoamerican beans), together with an international team that integrated the “PhasibeAm-CYTED” project. He also participated in the soil metagenome project “Biotecsojasur”, where the most important metagenomic data base in the country has been generated, with more than 10 million DNA sequences derived from Argentine soils.